Finding a Healing Space

The truth is you never know what another person you are looking at is going through. We live in a place and time where it is very easy to create an image of yourself that is the farthest from the truth. Being able to practice empathy in our daily interactions is more important than ever before.

My daddy died when I was seven years old and my life was forever changed. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of him. He believed in me in a way that I can’t begin to explain with words. He was so very proud of my creative talents and wanted me to pursue them completely.

As I stared at the canvas which was to become, Voice of an Angel, I knew it was time, time to express a moment in time for me that held strength, happiness and confidence that felt lost after my dad died. That moment is crystal clear for me and holds a healing energy for my soul. It is the first time I sang in front of an audience. I was just five years old. There was a talent show and I was to sing “The Rainbow Connection.”

While it would be easy to think that a young girl at the age of five would be nervous, the truth was I wasn’t nervous at all. I knew without a doubt that I could sing. I knew without hesitation that my voice was lovely. I knew this because my daddy believed in me. He encouraged me. He told me what a beautiful voice I had and I trusted him completely. So……I sang. I sang with every ounce of energy in my body. It felt amazing. When I was done, the room rang out with claps and cheers.

Voice of an Angel, is my expression of not only the song but also of the emotions I felt. It captures for me the essence of that moment in time where I felt strong, whole and complete. My hope is that the Voice of an Angel, which expresses a healing space for me, holds the strength of this special energy for you as well.


I See You


Life Lessons Learned from the Canvas