Play a Little
When was the last time you took time to play? As a mom, I find myself lucky to be surrounded by the energy of my boys that naturally brings play to the forefront. But I feel like as grown ups, we truly forget the joy that comes when you play and do it without inhibition.
Bubbling with Excitement
I reflect on the process of telling a story visually in original painting, I am Worthy. The piece is meant to represent the story of The Wizard of Oz.
Finding a Healing Space
I reflect on the creation of Voice of an Angel, a piece I created expressing a healing space for me and hopefully the viewer as well. I explain what inspired the piece and discuss the importance of empathy in the time in which we are living.
Prompt Engineering & Art
As I continue my exploration into how as an artist I can use ChatGPT to enhance my creative process, I took to better understanding prompt engineering. What is it and how can it be helpful to me?
A Cognitive Collaboration
AI isn’t going anywhere and as an artist I have a choice to lean in and see how to leverage the power it has to offer to enhance my original artwork or shy away. I’ve decided to lean right in. Read how I’m collaborating with ChatGPT in an artistic series of original paintings.