Violet Alexandre
Commissioned Empathic Art
Empathy, Experience, Expression
Custom artwork expressing your energetic hopes, intentions & needs on canvas.
I create original artwork expressing what you share with me in the form of a wish, need, or hope. It captures your spirit and is unique to you. It serves as a constant reminder of who you are and what you need energetically in your space. I hope to have the opportunity to learn more about you, if you’d like to learn more about me scroll down.
About Me
“Take my hand and we’ll make it - I swear.” ~Jon Bon Jovi
An empathic artist and muse, I create custom artwork expressing your energetic needs on canvas. I believe strongly in the power of pursuing your dreams. If you can visualize it, feel it and trust yourself, you can manifest anything you truly desire in your heart. Let’s work together to manifest your dreams with art.
My Story
So here I am…an empathic artist. If you asked me if I ever imagined that I would find myself here, I wouldn’t know what to say except absolutely NOT. What I do know is finally I can truly use my gifts while honoring myself and that brings me true joy. My heart is smiling, can you feel it?
I’ve known my whole life that I am an empath and creative spirit but for a long time I believed that I couldn’t be the real me because if I was I wouldn’t be successful in the way our world has defined. My empathic gift I saw as a hindrance that would lead others to judge me or far worse not be able to relate to me and accept me.
To that end, I crafted a life where I suppressed my true calling and focused on creating the life that I had learned was the one I was supposed to live. I built a very successful career and told myself I was happy. I had the material things I needed and on the surface my life was picture perfect but deep down I wasn’t being true to myself.
After some time of deep reflection, I quit my job and became a massage therapist. It was at this time that my strong empathic and energetic gifts began to unfold. It was almost unreal to me the things that I could sense and the changes that people experienced working with me. I soon learned that my gift had a strong edge as I often took on far too much of the energy that others shared with me. I felt as if I didn’t know how to use my gift in a way that honored others as well as myself.
As a result, I decided to turn back to the professional world this time creating success in the startup and technology sectors, running businesses, building teams and leveraging my strong sales and marketing skills. I was making a conscious decision to not tap into my empathic gift. I could feel it deep within me but I kept it to myself in a protective and safe way.
The pandemic changed all of that for me in a way I never could have imagined. Having never picked up a paint brush in any real way in my life, believing I was not artistic, I started painting. I began expressing all of the energy around me that otherwise I would take on. I created hundreds of paintings expressing energy from interactions, environments, foods, feelings and more. When I create, time slips away and I am fully present in the moment expressing energy into my art.
Artist Statement
As an empath, I experience energy everywhere around me. From moments in time and sensory sensations, I translate these expressions onto the canvas in my art.
In the context of the society in which we live where end goals and marks of success are celebrated and glamorized, it is easy to be seduced into chasing an end point of some idealized visual on a canvas. In doing so, there is a grave danger of losing the beauty that exists in the present moment. There is wonder that can be found when we let patience be our guide and follow intuitive flow.
I look to study and explore the practice of patience in my work sometimes breaking a piece down into many small component parts. Suspending judgment and creating with an open and free spirit, I look to explore how process itself ultimately translates into something beautifully interconnected without planning or prescribing those connections. It is in practicing patience that we can come to see the beauty that is bigger than the sum of its parts.